Canticle Farm is a family farm in Blue Ridge, TX. We grow sustainably raised produce, cut flowers and herbs, and raise dairy goats, chickens for eggs and heritage meat rabbits. We use the milk from our herd of dairy goats to make our goat milk soap, and along the way have developed other products for home and body. We believe in growing plants using organically approved pest control and naturally produced soil amendments, and never use GMO seeds. We raise our goats on grass and forage, and supplement with oats, sunflower seeds and non-GMO alfalfa. Our chickens are never confined to a building, and their vegetable diet shows in dark orange yolks from all the beta carotene they ingest. It's an old-fashioned way of doing things; often the harder, slower way, but the result is food that wasn't produced by adding chemicals to the environment. We have the same philosophy towards our farm-made products; you will never find us using pre-purchased bases or repackaging items made by someone else. All of our products are made from scratch with recipes we have developed through research with lots of trial and error before we decide it's good enough for you. It's not the easy way, but it means we can discuss the origin of our ingredients and why they are good for you or your home. We do not have a farm store yet, but enjoy visiting with customers at markets in the North Texas area and online. Hope to visit with you soon!